Universal Exercise Unit versus Functional Resisted Training on Balance in Children with diplegia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Physical Therapy for pediatrics and pediatric surgery, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Badr University in Cairo, Egypt.

2 Professor of Physical Therapy for pediatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University.

3 Professor of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University.

4 Lecturer of Physical Therapy for pediatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University.


Background: Diplegic cerebral palsy (CP) children have affections in balance due to muscle weakness, and simultaneous contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles. The universal exercise unit can be considered an effective therapeutic tool for improving lower limb muscle strength along with improving standing balance among diplegic CP children. Also, the functional resisted training is able to enhance static and dynamic balance.
Purpose of the study: To compare the effectiveness of adding a universal exercise unit to designed physical therapy versus functional resisted training with designed physical therapy on balance among diplegic children.
Subject and methods: This study included 45 both-sexes CP children with spastic diplegia, between the ages of six to ten years old. They were randomly assigned to three equal-sized groups (control, study A, and study B). The control group was given only the designed physical therapy program; study group A was given a universal exercise unit program beside the same designed physical therapy program; and study group B was given functional resistance training beside the same physical therapy program as in the control group. All participants in the three groups were assessed for standing balance using the Biodex stability system pre and post-treatment program.
Results: There were statistically significant improvements in standing balance score post-treatment in the three groups, with more improvement in study group A (P<0.05).
Conclusion: A universal exercise unit program showed more significantly improved balance in spastic diplegic children as compared to functional resistive training.


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