Document Type : Original Article
Basic Science Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Deraya University
Physical Therapy for Orthopedic department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Deraya University, Minia, Egypt 2Department of Physical Therapy, Benha University Hospital, Benha University, Benha, Qalyubia, Egypt
Department of Physical Therapy for Internal Medicine, chest, and Cardio, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Deraya University, Minya, Egypt.
5Physical therapy for neuromuscular disorders and its surgery department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Deraya University, Minia, Egypt
Basic science department, Faculty of physical therapy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Giza, Egypt
Objective: This study investigated the correlation between thoracic spine sagittal mobility and lung function among physical therapy students. Materials and methods: A total of forty-six students from Deraya University ages ranged from 19-24 years were enrolled in one group to study the correlation between sagittal spinal variability in the thoracic region and lung function among physical therapy students by using a Spinal Mouse device to measure the thoracic spine sagittal mobility and spirometer device to assess lung function (forced expiratory volume FEV & forced expiratory volume / forced vital capacity FEV1/FVC). Results: There was a moderately negative correlation between FVC, FEV1, and posture from the fixed neutral position (r = -0.643, p = 0.001) and (r = -0.570, p = 0.001) respectively but was not significantly correlated with posture from neutral to flexion or neutral to extension. The correlation between the FEV1/FVC and posture was moderately negatively correlated with posture during movement from neutral to flexion (r = -0.322, p = 0.029) but not significantly associated with posture from neutral to neutral to extension. Conclusion: It can be concluded that habitual position leads to segmental hypomobility of the thoracic spine which may affect pulmonary function among physical therapy students.
Main Subjects